Do you work for a WickedOffice? After a hard day’s work, do you feel drained, or energized? Tired of seeing the same faces day in and day out, or all you excited to get to the office to be working beside your colleagues? Do you see big problems on the horizon or great opportunities? Are you spending more and more time complaining, or positively contributing to the success of your company? I think you know where this is going.

The Foundations of a WickedOffice

There are 4 basic elements or foundations to create the environment necessary for a WickedOffice.

1. Employee-centric for support and stability

This includes respect between all employees (owners/management included), fair conditions, and provide the opportunity for growth

2. Strategy and vision implementation/adherence

As stated in the 7 Professional Reminders “If you do not know where you are going you will end up somewhere else”. Clear and communicated strategy and vision is paramount

3. Sane working environment – work/life balance

All work and no play sets the stage to survive, but not thrive.

4. Generating energy through fostering passion and motivation

Energy is the fuel that keeps everything running. Nurturing and creating energy, especially if it taps into inspirational, motivational, and passionate aspects, pays off 10-fold

On the road to increased Wickedness

So what do you need to become or to optimize your existing WickedOffice?

  1. Come to the realization and accept that your company is less Wicked than desired
  2. Fully understand and embrace the WickedOffice foundational elements and work towards Wickifying those requiring a boost
  3. Never compromise. At least try hard not to (we are all human)

Foundation Elements Explored

In this series of articles, we will investigate in-depth these foundational elements to optimize your WickedOffice.

WickedOffice Foundation Element I: The benefits of being Employee-centric (link)

WickedOffice Foundation Element II: Strategy and vision implementation/adherence (link)

WickedOffice Foundation Element III: Work / Life Balance encouragement (link)

WickedOffice Foundation Element IV: Generating energy through fostering passion and motivation (link)

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